I've never been really good at setting goals for myself. (It's amazing I accomplish anything in life, huh?!) Since I just turned 29 last week, I thought now would be a good time to start. Some of my 30 goals are fun and easy, and some of them are not so easy. (Mandarin!? Gosh. I must really love my hubs.) Wish me luck! I"ll keep you posted on my progress. (They are in no particular order.)
1. Run half marathon
2. Finish 90 days of P90X or complete a round of Insanity (I haven't decided which yet)
3. Learn to knit
4. Learn to sew well enough to hem pants
5. Become a better blocker, hitter and setter in volleyball
6. Buy a piano and start playing more
7. Learn to give myself a proper manicure
8. Find a fish recipe I can stand to eat regularly
9. Read 6 non-fiction/business related books
10. Learn and master Adobe Photoshop
11. Ride in a hot air balloon
12. Take a weekend trip alone with my hubby
13. Take up crafting/painting/drawing again
14. Finish decorating all rooms in upstairs of home
15. Have family photos taken
16. Read the entire Bible
17. Learn to make angel food cake from scratch
18. Prepare, plant, and maintain a fruitful vegetable and herb garden
19. Do our taxes myself
20. Decide once and for all which church our family will attend and be members of
21. Build wooden planters for our house
22. Re-paint our front door the perfect shade of yellow
23. Figure out landscaping for our backyard
24. Find an organization where I can volunteer on a regular basis
25. Dye my hair blonde
26. Make Bolo Bau from scratch
27. Learn basic, conversational Mandarin
28. Update my marketing portfolio
29. Learn how to use my hot rollers
30. Research my family history on my dad’s side